The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits envisions a joyful, vibrant, and liberated world. To that end, MCN is dedicated to enhancing and improving cultural humility, intentionally creating inclusive and accessible spaces, and working to end disparities in power, money, access, and resources within the nonprofit sector and in government decision-making at the local, state, and federal levels.

Work within this priority will include these core components:
- FOCUS ON THOSE FURTHEST FROM JUSTICE, by relying on the proven philosophy that creating an environment that can be accessed, understood, and used to the greatest extent possible by all people ultimately benefits everyone
- CENTER RACIAL EQUITY, with the understanding that the greatest disparities are linked to race, and race and ethnicity lie at an intersection with many other identities
- BUILD RELATIONSHIPS, that reflect our priorities on equity and justice through a model of shared leadership; celebrate the power in the collective; and address disparities through a community-centered approach
- BE AUTHENTIC, TRANSPARENT, AND BOLD, by taking the time to be informed, practicing honest and humble reflection, apologizing and adapting when we are wrong, and finding the courage to do and say what is necessary.

Equity | Working to put an end to disparities in power, money, access, and resources within the nonprofit sector.
Inclusion | An environment where commonality and differences are fully utilized to achieve the group’s outcomes. All people, viewpoints, and experiences are heard and counted.
Diversity | We reflect our community internally while identifying and working with our diverse nonprofit members and community partners.
Visit our Inclusion & Equity resources page for more information on diversity, inclusion, and equity in the nonprofit sector.
MCN Statement on Racism as a Public Health Crisis
On July 20, 2020, the board of the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) approved a resolution acknowledging that racism is a public health crisis facing Minnesota, and that the nonprofit sector has important role as part of a society-wide effort to dismantle systemic racism and address structural barriers to health and economic well-being in Black communities, Indigenous communities, and communities of color. Read the full statement here.