MCN’s Chapters: Central Minnesota | Northeast Minnesota | Northwest Minnesota | Southwest Minnesota | Southeast Minnesota | West Central Minnesota | Twin Cities Metro

Welcome to the Central Chapter
The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) maintains regional offices as a means to provide area nonprofits with locally based opportunities to build the sector’s capacity and strengthen its effectiveness. Through its regional presence in St. Cloud and Central Minnesota, MCN amplifies its mission by working to inform, promote, connect, and strengthen individual nonprofits and the nonprofit sector.
Counties Represented: Benton, Cass, Chisago, Crow Wing, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lac, Morrison, Pine, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd, Wadena, and Wright
Central Minnesota Tribal Nations: Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe and Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe

Upcoming Central Region
Contact the
Central Chapter
For more information about MCN’s Central Chapter and how to become involved, please contact:
Emily Steinmetz
Central Minnesota Regional Representative
Email Emily
Subscribe to the Central Minnesota Update

The Central Minnesota regional update features nonprofit-focused, nonprofit-centric news, events, funding opportunities, and resources created and aggregated for nonprofit professionals, board members, and volunteers. This free, opt-in e-newsletter is sent every other month to more than 1,500 subscribers throughout the 23-county Central and West Central Minnesota regions.
*For a robust resource featuring current and forthcoming funding opportunities across Minnesota, MCN recommends also subscribing to the Grants Alert e-newsletter.
MCN’s Chapters
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