
Stock image of conference attendees

MCN is pleased to offer partial scholarships for MCN workshops. All scholarships are partial scholarships – half off the member/nonmember registration fee. Qualification criteria for scholarship recipients is below. Because we believe in access for all, if an educational opportunity is still out of financial reach for you at the partial scholarship rate, please indicate this in your application and an MCN staff member will work with you on determining an accessible rate.  

Qualifying Criteria
(1) Employees, board members, or volunteers of organizations that meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Operating budgets under $750,000;
  • Greater Minnesota organizations from outside the seven-county Twin Cities area;
  • Immigrant and refugee organizations (led by immigrants/refugees or serving over 50 percent of clients who are immigrants or refugees); and/or
  • Culturally specific organizations working with communities of color, and BIPOC-led (Black, Indigenous, people of color) and/or serving organizations
  • You work or volunteer for an organization that doesn’t meet the qualifying criteria, but you personally do not have access to a professional development/education budget from your position within the organization.  

(2) Individuals who meet one of the following criteria:

  • Full time students;
  • Jobseekers;
  • Full-time volunteers (i.e., AmeriCorps, VISTA, Public Allies, etc.)
  • You are employed at an organization that doesn’t meet the qualifying criteria, but you personally do not have access to a professional development/education budget from your position within the organization. 

Other partial scholarships may be awarded on a case-by-case basis.  

*Do not register for the event if you plan to apply for a scholarship. MCN’s program and accessibility assistant will contact you with instructions for registering with the scholarship rate upon reviewing and approving your request.  

Scholarship Agreement

MCN’s registration policies apply to all registrants, including scholarship recipients. Accepting a scholarship offer constitutes an agreement to pay the scholarship registration fee, whether or not the registrant actually attends the event. Your scholarship is non-transferable to other workshops or conferences. Additionally, scholarships are not eligible for substitutions in the event the original registrant is unable to attend the workshop.

How to Apply for a Partial Scholarship

Please note that scholarships must be requested by the individual applying. We currently do not accept scholarship applications on behalf of another person or for groups.

To apply, submit a written request to MCN’s program and accessibility assistant at least one week prior to the workshop or webinar. Please include the following information:

  1. Your full name
  2. Your current preferred email address
  3. The date and name of the event you want to attend
  4. Organizational affiliation, annual budget size, and service area (or note if you are a jobseeker or student)
  5. A short paragraph addressing your need for a scholarship and how attending the workshop would advance you and/or your organization.

Email Template


I’m writing to request a scholarship for one of MCN’s upcoming workshops. My application information is below: 

  1. Name: 
  2. Preferred email: 
  3. Organization affiliation:
  4. Organization budget & service area: 
  5. Event name:
  6. Event date:
  7. I’m requesting a scholarship because