In This Section: Impact of Federal Decisions | State Grant Reform | Paid Family and Medical Leave | Nonprofit SEAT Act | Nonprofits and Elections
Advancing policies that strengthen the nonprofit sector and Minnesota communities
MCN and the Minnesota Budget Project policy teams advance public policies that strengthen the nonprofit sector and Minnesota communities through policy development and analysis, and by engaging nonprofits, other organizational partners, and the public to lift up our shared vision for a just, equitable Minnesota.
Our policy work is informed by MCN’s strategic priority on equity and justice.
Shortly after being sworn in, President Trump issued dozens of Executive Orders (EOs) and Memorandums covering a broad range of issues with potential impact on nonprofits and the communities we serve.
MCN is actively engaging with elected officials and the National Council of Nonprofits to monitor the latest orders and memos. Our goal is to mitigate the impact on our state’s most vulnerable communities and the operations of Minnesota’s 8,641 nonprofits and their 376,328 employees.
Impact of Federal Decisions: the latest news, vetted resources, calls to action, and background on these decisions to help you navigate this uncertainty.
Advocacy & Public Policy Resources
Nonprofits play a central role in the democratic process by providing a means for individuals to deliberate on public policies and decisions that affect them. At MCN, we are continuously working to provide resources and tools you need to engage in effective advocacy and public policy work at your nonprofit.

Policy Spotlight
State Grant Reform
Each year the state of Minnesota grants about $500 million to nonprofits to provide essential services. Changes in oversight of state-funded grants to nonprofits continues to be a topic at the Legislature.
Nonprofits must be included in implementing any and all reform efforts.
Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML)
A state-administered PFML program was signed into law May 2023, and allows nonprofits to be competitive employers, all Minnesotans to take time off to care for themselves and their families, boosts the economy, and advances racial equity.
PFML benefits and premiums start January 1, 2026.
Nonprofit SEAT Act
Nonprofits have extensive experience and insights that can benefit everyone in a more collaborative government-nonprofit partnership.
The Nonprofit SEAT Act enhances nonprofits’ ability to address public challenges and maximize opportunities to advance our mission in every community across the country.

Legislative Successes and Past Campaigns
Since its founding in 1987, MCN has been recognized for exemplary work at the state legislature and as a source of training on relationships and advocacy between nonprofits and government. The number and subject matter of MCN’s public policy positions has grown over time. Learn more about some of the campaigns and successes over MCN’s history of public policy work.