Nonprofit SEAT Act

Minnesota State Capitol exterior

MCN has seen time and time again that government in general does not understand how the nonprofit sector operates or what we do. We have extensive experience and insights that can benefit everyone in a more collaborative government-nonprofit partnership.

The Nonprofit SEAT Act enhances our ability to address public challenges and maximize opportunities to advance our mission in every community across the country.

What is the Nonprofit SEAT Act?

Minnesota Representative McCollum and Michigan Representative Upton introduced the bipartisan Nonprofit Sector Strength and Partnership Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. (H.R. 7587), which would make significant changes to how nonprofits and the federal government interact with each other.

With the goal to strengthen the nonprofit sector and its relationship with the federal government to advance the public good, MCN supports this legislation. 

What is included in the bill?

The bill would establish new mechanisms that would help the federal government better engage nonprofits, including: 

  • Creating a White House Office on the Nonprofit Sector with a commission on federal grant reforms;
  • Establishing an Interagency Council on Nonprofit Sector Partnerships to promote government and 
    nonprofit collaboration;
  • Forming an Advisory Board made up of diverse community-based and national nonprofit and 
    philanthropic leaders; and
  • Directing federal agencies to provide better and more regular data on nonprofit jobs and volunteers.

How does the bill impact nonprofits?

These new systems would leverage the mission, knowledge, and impact of nonprofits to help the government and the sector work together more effectively in pursuit of shared goals. In turn, we as nonprofits are able to strengthen communities across the country by making the federal government a more productive partner through better coordination, transparency, and support. 

This legislation also raises awareness of the sector at the federal level, and the vital civic, social, and economic contributions nonprofits make in the United States. As of 2020, 1.8 million nonprofit organizations in the U.S. contributed $1.2 trillion to the economy. Nonprofits employ 12 million workers, and engage 20 million board members, 63 million volunteers, and 170 million donors every year.

Related Resources:

Questions? We want to hear from you.

Marie Ellis, MCN Public Policy Director  |  651-757-3060