About MCN

A skyline view of downtown Minneapolis and St. Anthony Falls

Nonprofits are a force for good.
We’re here to help.

As one of the largest state associations of nonprofits in the country, the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) connects nonprofits across interest areas to advance issues of common concern.

MCN is a trusted ally and advocate for nonprofits, providing relevant workshops and conferences, timely nonprofit data and research, impactful state and federal advocacy, and strong member network and benefits

Our mission is to inform, promote, connect, and strengthen individual nonprofits and the nonprofit sector.

MCN Staff and Board

Meet Our
Staff and Board of Directors

MCN is operated and supported by a strong, diversely skilled staff and board of directors. With experience in all areas of nonprofit management, MCN’s staff and board guide the organization’s long-standing mission

Statewide Nonprofit Support

MCN maintains regional offices to provide locally-based opportunities for nonprofits, including educational training, peer-learning, and connecting nonprofits to MCN’s statewide network. 

A lively conference

Our vision
Equity & Justice

Driven by our vision of nonprofits accomplishing their missions for a healthy, cooperative, and just society, MCN is dedicated to advancing diversity, inclusion, and equity.

We live our values by enhancing and improving intercultural competenceintentionally creating inclusive spaces, and working to address disparities within the nonprofit sector.

State & Nationwide Network

Minnesota Affiliations

MCN is part of an active network of nonprofit support agencies in our state. These Nonprofit Allies collaborate, partner, and share information to ensure that nonprofits have ample resources and services to help individual organizations accomplish their mission.

National Affiliations

MCN is a member of the several national organizations dedicated to enhancing the nonprofit sector. Through these affiliations, MCN is able to bring the knowledge and resources of these national groups to nonprofits in Minnesota. Our involvement also brings the voice of Minnesota’s nonprofits to the national level.

Our History

MCN was founded in 1987 to meet the increasing information needs of nonprofits and to convene nonprofits to address issues facing the sector.

Stemming from the Philanthropy Project, a coalition of 130 nonprofits to reform corporate and foundation grantmaking, MCN was founded to create a more powerful voice for nonprofits and give nonprofits the capacity to do together what they do not do apart.

MCN Office exterior

Contact Us

Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
2314 University Ave. West #20
St. Paul, MN 55114

Phone: 651-642-1904
Fax: 651-642-1517
Greater MN: 1-800-289-1904


Rent MCN’s Conference Room

MCN’s Nonprofit Learning Center is available to member nonprofits for single event rental.