MCN Statement on Trump Administration Memo on Undocumented Immigrants and the Congressional Apportionment

On Tuesday July 21, 2020, President Trump announced by executive order that his administration will exclude undocumented immigrants from the congressional apportionment count, which is the population database on which new districts will be drawn next year. This memo is an extension of President Trump’s executive order from last year to create a citizenship database based on administrative data, following the administration’s failed attempt to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

The President’s action is harmful. When anyone is not counted in the Census, that hurts everyone in their community because an accurate count helps deliver the resources needed to build a better future. The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits is committed for a full and accurate Census count, and here are key points to remember:

  • There is no citizenship question on the 2020 Census form 
  • This does not affect current Census Bureau field operations for the rest of 2020
  • Personal information is protected by federal law for 72 years

Immigrants are important contributors to our strong, thriving communities for many reasons, including bringing greater cultural diversity and revitalizing struggling cities and towns. Undocumented immigrants contribute to the thriving communities here in Minnesota and across the United States. In 2017, they paid an estimated $27 billion dollars in federal, state, and local taxes. In 2010, undocumented individuals paid $13 billion dollars into retirement accounts and only received $1 billion in return. More than 750,000 DACA recipients contribute to neighborhoods and careers, especially those on the front lines fighting against COVID-19. And so much more! They all deserve to be included in the apportionment count next year and be seen in how their districts are drawn.

We stand with every Minnesotan and remain vigilant in our commitment to count everyone in the 2020 Census, including our undocumented community members. #WeAllCountMN

In solidarity,
The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits