Tips on Working with the Media

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Media directors and editors appreciate well-written and organized news releases that are timely and attention grabbing. Before a nonprofit communicator sends out a news release, it is important for him/her to recognize the difference between news and advertising. News can be defined as reports of recent events or the forwarding of information that the public will find interesting, helpful and informative.

Advertising is space (whether on TV, in print or on the Internet) that has been purchased to deliver a message that has been prepared for direct marketing purposes. News professionals are skilled at weeding out real news and advertisements that are disguised as news.

As a nonprofit communicator, you must understand what the media needs from you and you must meet those needs effectively. This means meeting deadlines, making press releases newsworthy and keeping the media’s audience (and yours) in mind. In order to have a strong and effective relationship with the public, you must build and maintain a positive relationship with your local media representatives.