Beth Beaty Enneagram

St. Paul, MN

(612) 386-7587

Primary contact

Company Description

If we are all committed to the same cause our organization should be conflict-free, right?

The enneagram explores differences in communication styles, problem-solving strategies, expectations and tolerances – all those things that push our buttons and lead to misunderstanding and conflict. Great for leaders, staff, volunteers and boards. Workshops, team and individual coaching.

Beth Beaty is a certified enneagram teacher and has been studying the enneagram for over 15 years. She loves bringing her sense of humor and practical outlook to her enneagram work.

Services Provided:

  • Classes: Bring the enneagram into your church or organization. Help your members learn how to release old habits, discover new gifts and grow into the people they are meant to be.
  • Coaching: Enneagram work can be difficult on your own. Personalized coaching sessions can help see your biases, challenge your assumptions and embrace your gifts.
  • Staff & Team Development: Teams become stronger, healthier and more agile when members start to understand how everyone views their work and the world. The enneagram is a wonderful way to support your team as a whole as well at it’s individual members.
  • Retreats: A day or weekend away provides not only time for learning but time for deep and life-changing conversations and personal reflection. The enneagram can bring people together in surprising ways. If you are planning a retreat and want to see how the enneagram might fit in, let’s talk.