GrantAdvisor: GrantAdvisor is a free, anonymous review site of grantmaking foundations. See what 2,750+ fundraisers have shared about 780 funders, and learn what it takes to secure grant funding based on specific experiences from your peers!

GrantStation: MCN is proud to announce a new partnership with GrantStation, one of the largest, digital databases of funding opportunities. GrantStation also provides resources to help guide organizations through the grantseeking process. As an MCN member benefit, you can purchase full membership access to GrantStation for just $139/year, an 80 percent savings off the regular price of $699.

2024 Minnesota Grants Directory: Available as a PDF-only* version, the 2024 Minnesota Grants Directory is designed to help grantseekers by providing an overview on over 100 of the state’s most active foundations, giving programs, and – for the first time ever – state agencies! *Note: a very limited number of hard copy directories are available for those who face barriers to access due to geography, socio-economic status, disability, and/or technological accessibility.