Email Newsletter Sponsorship

MCN offers a monthly sponsorship in the form of banner ads in a variety of email newsletters options, including Minnesota Grants AlertSmart Nonprofits, and Events Forecast. Subscriber bases vary from 4,000 for our most targeted e-newsletter to over 7,000 for our broadest outreach.

MCN Advertising Packet / PDF Reservation Form

Grants Alert

This every-other-week alert details information about a wide variety of funding opportunities, including those with Minnesota foundations, government programs, and national funders; news and trends in philanthropy; and information on professional development opportunities for development staff. Only members of MCN are eligible to receive the Minnesota Grants Alert

Subscribers: 4,015 nonprofit fundraisers and executive directors 
Open Rate: Over 40 percent of recipients open and read each issue 
Click Rate: Over 8 percent click on at least one link in each issue
Banner Dimensions:
 200ppi x 200ppi square
Banner Availability: 2 banner spaces per month
Sponsorship Cost: $600 for 2 issues/1 months (Nonprofit members and Supporter, Advocate, or Ally Associates receive a 50 percent discount) 

Grants Alert screenshot

Smart Nonprofits

This newsletter, sent every other week, is a quick summary of the latest sector news and resources for those working in nonprofit organizations. Readers will get the latest information on on the topics, challenges, and opportunities facing their organizations and teams, as well as stay abreast of the latest happenings at MCN.

Subscribers: 4,150 nonprofit managers, staff members and leaders
Open Rate: Over 34 percent of recipients open and read each issue
Click Rate: Over 4.5 percent click on at least one link in each issue
Banner Dimensions: 600ppi long x 120ppi tall
Banner Availability: 1 banner space per month
Sponsorship Cost: $600 for 2 issues/1 months (Nonprofit members and Supporter, Advocate, or Ally Associates receive a 50 percent discount)

Smart Nonprofits screenshot

Events Forecast

This newsletter, sent at the end of every month, highlights upcoming in-person trainings and conferences, virtual learning opportunities, members-only events, and networking events for those working in nonprofit organizations.

Subscribers: 7,700 nonprofit managers, staff members and leaders
Open Rate: Over 28 percent of recipients open and read each issue
Click Rate: Over 3 percent click on at least one link in each issue
Banner Dimensions: 600ppi long x120 ppi tall
Banner Availability: 1 banner space per month
Sponsorship Cost: $600 for 1 issue/1 month (Nonprofit members and Supporter, Advocate, or Ally Associates receive a 50 percent discount)

Events Forecast screenshot

Production Requirements

Banner ads must measure the specified dimensions. Submissions should be sent as a jpg or gif, along with the URL the ad will direct traffic to. Ads and payment must be received by the submission deadline to ensure placement. Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. MCN reserves the right to change the layout and banner dimensions, with notice to pre-reserved sponsors. 

Submit Ads and Payment to: 

Email John Wurm, organizational development & engagement director, at or mail to MCN, 2314 University Ave. W., Ste. 20, St. Paul, MN 55114-1802.