Business Listing Types

Listings on the MCN Business Finder are available to active MCN associate members. MCN associate members at the Supporter, Advocate, and Ally levels may place an enhanced listing for free as part of their membership at any time during their membership year. Basic-level associate members may place a basic listing at any time during their membership year, or upgrade to a Supporter, Advocate, or Ally membership level for an enhanced listing. 

MCN nonprofit members are also eligible to have an enhanced listing when they offer products or services suitable for other nonprofits.

Basic Listing

Basic-level Associate Members

  • Company Name
  • Company Address
  • Company Phone
  • Company Email
  • Company Website
  • Regions Served
  • Company Description
  • One Search Category Designation

Enhanced Listing

(Supporter, Advocate, and Ally associate members)

  • All Basic listing fields
  • Social Media links (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram)
  • Logo Upload (appears on search results and company detail page)
  • Photo Upload (appears on company detail page only)
  • Up to Five Search Category Designations