H.R.9495 passes House, unlikely to gain traction in Senate

After a spirited debate this morning, the U.S. House passed H.R.9495, the “Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act.” The vote, needing a simple majority to pass, was 219 to 184 with 30 not voting. One Republican voted no, and 15 Democrats voted yes.

Numerous Democratic representatives switched their prior votes in favor of the bill in response to constituent pushback against the nearly unfettered authority Section 4 would give to the Treasury Secretary to revoke tax-exempt organizations.

Our partners at the National Council of Nonprofits do not anticipate the Senate to hear or pass H.R.9495 as it stands. There is a possibility that part one of the legislation, referring to non-controversial provisions dealing with forgiving tax deadlines and penalties for hostages, could make its way onto a separate bill that Congress could pass before adjourning sine die.

The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) is incredibly proud of the way our state’s nonprofits mobilized overnight to change US Minnesota Rep. Angie Craig’s vote from yes to no. Last week, 52 Democrats voted in favor of H.R.9495, and this week, only 15. Every call made and email sent, as well as the urging of others to do the same, made a difference. Thank you!

We anticipate H.R.9495 will be brought up again under the new administration’s Republican trifecta. Stay connected to MCN via e-newsletters and social media channels to stay updated on this proposed legislation and all things nonprofits.

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