Agile Advancement Partners

921 5th St N, Stillwater MN 55082


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Company Description

We know how tough nonprofit life is… The amount of things you have to pay attention to seems to increase with each passing year, and staff are spread thin with too many responsibilities – yet you don’t have the funding to hire staff to do the work to help you advance your mission.

But what if you could add to your development and executive capacity without the expense and or ongoing commitment of adding a full-time staff person with benefits? Do you need…

✓ … to update your strategic plan or start a new program? Our team has more than 40 years of combined experience in planning and program design
✓ … help with planning your next fundraising event so that staff aren’t pulling their hair out? We can help with that.
✓ … someone to research, write and track grant applications and reports? Done.
✓ … to start – or grow – your individual giving program? We will meet you where you are and help you raise more money, fast.
✓ … help with social media or marketing strategy? We have a team of experts that you can draw on at a fraction of the cost of hiring staff.
✓ … tired of relying on interns for essential fundraising tasks? We can work with you and your interns to set you up for success in all of the