Aurora Consulting

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2429 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis MN 55404


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Company Description

We’re two people who love making a difference in the lives of our clients, and yours. We believe in the power of thoughtful evaluation, strategic planning, and organizational leadership development. Supporting and boosting the impact of nonprofit clients like you has always been at the core of Aurora’s existence, going all the way back to its founding in 2002.

Services Provided

Working as your trusted colleagues, we can assume several roles – acting as advisors, planners, facilitators and workshop leaders. Our services include:

EVALUATION: Using data to inspire important insights

STRATEGIC PLANNING: Designing a roadmap to help you achieve organizational excellence.

ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Developing leaders at all levels of the organization in managing and leading through an ever-changing environment, with a particular focus on improving their understanding of and drive for equity and inclusion.

Fee Structure

Consulting service jargon can be confusing. Don’t worry about finding the right language to describe what service you need. Use your own words to tell us what you need help with, and we’ll figure out what services make sense. We welcome your phone calls and questions. And to prove it, we ditched the notion of hourly fees. You pay by deliverable. Please contact us about pricing information for your project.