Consulting for Nonprofits

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17245 Bainbridge Dr, Eden Prairie MN 55347


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Company Description

We help Minnesota-based organizations foster strong leadership, a clear mission statement, an effective board of directors, and reliable funding.

Experienced consulting for any type of nonprofit. We listen and work with you to clarify your mission, develop and train your board, and help create and execute a funding plan that works for you.

Services Provided

Our Services

  • Assessment: By listening and asking the right questions, as independent observers, we can help determine what type of help will be most beneficial.
  • Development: We will help find grants, write grants, cultivate donors, create a diverse funding plan, or investigate other areas of fundraising.
  • Networking & Resourcing: With extensive connections and resources, we can save you valuable time and point you to people and organizations that can contribute to your success.
  • Board Training & Coaching: We offer onboarding for your new board members and coaching for all members to provide clarity in their role, insights on legal responsibilities, and enhanced relationships with the executive director.
  • Interim Leadership: With decades of experience, we can immediately fill a leadership vacuum in director or development positions during your organizational search and transition.
  • Executive Director Coaching: Whether your director is new to the position or just needs a jump start, we can provide fresh perspectives, new insights and creative solutions to recharge their vision for leading the organization and their team into the future.