INspiring SIGHT

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671 Marigold Terrace NE, Fridley, MN 55432


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Company Description

INspiring SIGHT is a strategy, coaching, facilitation & development firm powered by 30-years of multi-sector-interdisciplinary experience on the front lines, in the boardroom, and in leadership. Built on the belief that the client always has the answers within them, INspiring SIGHT creates safe spaces and asks courageous questions so organizations can source their own answers.

Known for her rare ability to ask just the right question for surfacing the crux of the issue, owner Mary Kay Delvo has been on the front lines as well as in the boardroom and understands that CEOs think differently than employees. Clients respond well to her approach which combines humor, transparency and a little dose of reality useful for challenging the status quo. People who work with her can expect her to poke holes in their thinking so they can uncover new insights & solutions.

Services Provided

INspiring SIGHT brings coaching competencies of second-level listening, powerful questions, accountability & new perspective into every conversation so organizations can source their own answers.

Four Ways We Can Help You Put A New Lens on Decision-making
1. Facilitating safe spaces for having candid conversations
2. Strategic planning resulting in a one-page Strategy Tree
3. Energizing, engaging, and training your board of directors
4. Coaching leaders and/or teams so they can “wake-up to how they show-up”

Mary Kay Delvo has an Accredited Coaching Certification through the International Coaching Federation, Enneagram coaching and leadership training certifications through The Enneagram in Business and is trained as a Technology of Participation (ToP) Facilitator.

Bachelors degrees in Social Work and Public Relations and a Masters in Liberal Studies with an emphasis in leadership, spirituality, and psychology.

Fee Structure

Prices are based upon organizational need and customized per project.