Rubric Legal LLC

233 Park Ave S, Suite 205, Minneapolis MN 55415


Primary contact

Company Description

Rubric: An Established Tradition, Custom, or Rule

Rubric might not be what you’d call a “traditional” law firm. We hold some of our meetings on long runs training for a marathon. One of us is Santa Lawyer – on a motorcycle. We don’t pretend to speak Latin. Our office equipment includes a pizza oven. And, we’ll even admit when we don’t know an answer (and then go find it).

But, there is one tradition we hold to: Every lawyer should be dedicated to serving and seeking justice for the people who entrust their livelihoods and families to that lawyer’s skill, experience and judgment.

When you choose a law firm, you are picking the team to support you, encourage you and guide you. We formed Rubric Legal with the idea of serving clients in a better, simpler and more creative way. Everyone at our firm aspires to give life to that idea.