Softvative Inc

6385 Old Shady Oak Rd, Eden Prairie MN 55344


Primary contact

Company Description

Softvative is a Minnesota-based company in operations since 2008 that provides innovative engaging solutions and services using the best in industry processes, frameworks, and technologies. We got you covered with our skills and experience in solutions in the areas of Digital Transformation, Project Management, Cloud Solutions, Web / IT services, and Training. Consider us as your on-demand CIO / CTO that provides and guides you with the business solution using the best technology and processes.

Softvative developed the platform with SAAS-based Budget Planner. That allows you to do project-based budget planning for grants, project management, budgeting, expense/income tracking, reporting and financials.

Softvative specializes in Document Management, Collaboration, Office 365, Azure, AWS, Budget Management, PMO, SCRUM, IT Architecture / Design, Automation, Website Design, Web Hosting, Internet Services, VOIP, Information Security services, Compliance, Risk Management, HR Hiring solutions, Learning Management System, Training, leadership development, digital marketing, email newsletters, photography, video animation/editing and more.

Visit our solutions and services page on our website for more details.


Services Provided

Projenance Budget Planner is Softvative’s SAAS (Software As a Service) solution that allows project and activity-based budget planning and management for companies. Projenance Budget Planner helps companies of different sizes and different industries to manage current and proposed budgets using just the browser.

  • Project-based budget planning with activity level details
  • Budget planning for the current year and proposed year
  • SAAS (Software As a Service) solution. No need to set up servers or IT infrastructure
  • Import projects from Excel to kick start budget planning
  • Customer branding
  • Licensing based on per user per month model
  • Check-in and check-out feature to allow editing
  • Save draft vs publish options
  • Centralized consolidated data with real-time reports
  • Import existing Chart of Accounts to set up as structure
  • Use existing roles like Org Admin, Department Owner, Budget Planner and Budget Viewer.
  • Flexibility to customize roles with permissions controls to suit your different scenarios
  • Define Income and expense for each row in chart of account
  • Define Restricted VS unrestricted
  • Define parent and child relationship
  • Reports to show aggregate data by restrictions or by department with income / expense
  • Import / Export project level and activity level data
  • Assign owner for each activity within a project
  • Plan and manage current year’s budget
  • Plan for next year / proposed budget
  • Amount allocation to months based on 12 months (equal distribution) or manual method