The Information Tamer

10641 Smetana Road, Minnetonka MN 55343


Primary contact

Social Media

Company Description

The Information Tamer strives to improve the function of business by: eliminating tedious work, streamlining processes, developing procedures and creating decision making reports.

She offers speaking and training on topics like: documentation and procedure writing, managing change in an organization, Analytics (Data to English Translation). And if you need technical or business writing, she has you covered too.

Services Provided

The Information Tamer provides a variety of project based or hourly rate work offerings:

  • Evaluate where you are and make recommendations
  • Be a source to bounce ideas off of for what to do next
  • Get your systems created or ready for growth
  • Help you get ready to work with a partner and find synergies
  • Documentation and procedure manual creation
  • Review best practices from all components of the business to find the “right” solution for the future
  • Reporting and analytics needed to make strategic business decisions backed by wisdom

Fee Structure

Pricing varies based on client and activity. Discounts are offered to non-profits.