Trail Blazer

620 Mendelssohn Ave N, Golden Valley MN 55427


Primary contact

Company Description

In January of 2002 Trail Blazer Campaign Services, Inc. began operation in Minnesota. Over the 17+ years we have supported hundreds of client organizations over those years with thousands of users. Our clients are diverse in needs (small and large) and in what they do (arts, youth, hobbies, political). This diverse universe has helped us to make ourselves and our product better every day.

Trail Blazer is a complete donor management solution for non-profits. Executive directors will find Trail Blazer comprehensive, detailed and easy to use. Its intuitive interface includes important features that track donors, contributions, mass emails, issues, pledges, contributions, thank yous and fundraising. Track donor touches, target specific donors and manage your finances, too! Coordinate events and use our free web forms for registrations, volunteer sign-ups, online donations, event RSVPs and more. Best of all, there are no modules and you get unlimited users, free training, data conversion and unlimited first-rate support.