
Minneapolis, Minneapolis MN 55406




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Products and Services Provided

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Company Description

Wendy Wehr is a skilled writer who is devoted to advancing causes that matter most. She assists organizations in meeting current resource needs, and she also helps them build internal communications and fund development capacities to achieve long-term sustainability. Whether you’re a nonprofit leader seeking vital resources or a philanthropist striving to articulate your mission, Wendy can put her experience to work for you.

Services Provided

Services provided include:

  • Fund development and communications planning
  • Case statement and message development
  • Foundation and corporate prospect research
  • LOI and grant proposal development and writing
  • Management of grant applications, deadlines, reporting, etc.
  • Individual appeal writing and project management
  • Print and e-communications writing and editing
  • Digital content development and curation

Fee Structure

All work begins with a conversation about your fundraising or communications needs and what value Wendy can add to help you meet your goals.