Zaros Consulting

4514 Blaisdell Ave, Minneapolis MN 55419


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Company Description

Working primarily with NGOs, nonprofits, and community-based groups I’m passionate about organizations working more effectively to fulfill their missions and make the impact they set out to achieve. But I don’t just focus on the external work of an organization – we must also strengthen the internal culture, systems, and teams if we ever hope to make the change we wish to see in the world. We hold lofty goals for justice, equity and change for our external work, and we must also authentically live out these commitments internally as well. I combine organizational development with tools like peacebuilding and community organizing to make lasting, holistic change and strengthen organizations.

See more about my approach here:

Services Provided

Addressing challenges in your organization can feel like wading into the vast ocean without so much as a life vest. It doesn’t have to be. When I work with you we figure out together the best approach to strengthen your organization, or accomplish that process improvement, or improve your team’s cohesion. I can provide organizational development consulting, project-based support, and fundraising services.

See more about my services here: