MCN Releases COVID-19 Vaccination Policy and Resources

Since its onset in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has posed increasingly complex challenges for nonprofits in Minnesota and across the nation. Challenges related to interrupted operations and programming, funding shortfalls, employment issues, access to health care, disproportionate impacts on vulnerable and marginalized communities, and so much more.

One issue never far from the minds of nonprofit leaders, particularly with vaccine availability increasing and COVID variants appearing, has been the question of how to effectively and safely “re-open” their nonprofit. What is the best way to fully resume daily public-facing operations in a way that gives your nonprofit its best chance at success and sustainability, while also implementing thoughtful health protections for employees, clients, and the broader communities you serve?

As a nonprofit state association, the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) was founded on the principle that nonprofits can do more together than we could otherwise do apart. We believe in providing a safe, healthy environment for our staff, members, event attendees, and guests. With that in mind, our organization has adopted a policy mandating staff-wide COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment. MCN’s policy has been carefully crafted to comply with all applicable laws and is based on guidance from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local health authorities, while also providing reasonable medical and religious accommodations.

With so much information available about the safety and effectiveness of current vaccines — offset in some cases by misinformation, as well as hesitancy rooted in historical trauma and institutional mistrust — MCN feels it is important for nonprofit employers to lead the way in safeguarding their employees and constituents based on the most reliable, fact-based, and scientifically vetted information available as they develop their vaccination policies. In doing so, our sector can continue to play a vital leadership role in protecting the communities in which we work, live, and play.

MCN has aggregated resources we hope will help your nonprofit move forward with a safe and productive re-opening plan and policy that meets the needs of both your staff and those you serve. Learn more