
Gallagher is a proud cost-savings partner to the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN). For over 25 years, Gallagher has been an advocate, guide, and trusted advisor to many nonprofits.

Discover the “value added” services available to MCN members at no charge.

Cutting Exiting Costs

The first thing most people think of when attempting to save money is “Can we lower our existing costs?” GBS has several ways to help your organization evaluate costs, including:

  • Benefits market search
  • Benefit negotiation
  • Strategic benefit planning
  • Consultant due diligence

Reduce Health Care Costs

GBS has extensive experience helping employers implement programs that reduce employees’ healthcare expenses. It engages employees in managing their health through:

  • Consumer driven plans – HSA/HRA
  • Carrier wellness programs
  • Carrier health assessments
  • Wise and well bulletins
  • Live well/work well bulletins
  • Health cost management plans

Get More For the Same Dollars

By working with individual members as part the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits, you also receive at no charge:

  • HR Response line
  • HR links & resource library
  • Benchmark survey
  • Benefit manual design

Time is Money

Many times the people handling HR and benefits wear other hats and are spread too thin. A solution can be outsourcing the processes. GBS outsourcing services include:

  • Claims analysis
  • Online HR assistant
  • Benefit administration services
  • COBRA outsourcing
  • HR training & development
  • Employee communications and benefit website
  • Compensation analysis

Avoid Expensive Problems

An audit, lawsuit, or losing a good employee is not the best way to find out you are not doing what you should be when it comes to compliance and employee retention. GBS provides many tools and resources to help you identify and minimize your risk including:

  • Compliance assistance
  • Legislative guides & alerts
  • HR Diagnostic assessment
  • Compensation surveys & consulting
  • Supervisor & management training

To discuss a customized service package, contact:
Jack Duffy
Employee Benefits Consultant