Now is the time: Voice your support of the Nonprofit Relief Fund

Take 2 minutes to sign your support

Time is running out, and legislators need to hear from YOU about the immense importance of a state-funded Nonprofit Relief Fund. 

Help us help you! Nonprofits have largely been left out of state and federal relief programs, yet many nonprofits are still facing an increased demand in services while funding remains largely unpredictable. To continue providing the support our communities need during and in the wake of COVID‐19, and to accelerate a more equitable recovery, Minnesota needs to invest in our nonprofits and we need your help.

A Nonprofit Relief Fund has not been included in the large proposals coming from the legislature. This is a major problem. Without strong action now, relief designed specifically for nonprofits will not happen.

Nonprofits can and should be a powerful voice as policymakers are making crucial decisions on how to spend a historic state budget surplus, and we’ve hopefully made it easy for you to participate with this information.   

What you can do: 

Sign your support using our fillable form

Or send a separate email to conference committee members (click that link to open a blank email addressed to all of them!):  

In your email: 

  • Urge the legislators to include a Nonprofit Relief Fund in the final Jobs bill  

  • Share how a grant from a nonprofit relief fund would help your organization continue supporting your communities 

  • The email can be short, sweet, and to the point – quantity over quality is the goal right now! We need to send a blizzard of emails. 

If you have any questions about this, please connect with Ileana, MCN’s public policy advocate.