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Minnesota Council of Nonprofits - Smart Nonprofits banner

Features general news, resources, and event information for nonprofits, as well as conference RFPs, award nominations, and member-specific highlights. Sent twice per month to 4,350 subscribers.

Minnesota Council of Nonprofits - Grants Alert banner

Features grant opportunities, deadlines, and updates, as well as events and resources, for nonprofit development professionals. Sent twice per month to 3,600 subscribers.

Minnesota Council of Nonprofits - Nonprofit Advocate banner

Highlights the latest public policy and advocacy news, resources, and events impacting nonprofits and the communities they serve. Sent multiple times to 2,200 subscribers.

Minnesota Council of Nonprofits - Events Forecast banner

Highlights in-person and virtual trainings, conferences, and networking events from MCN for the month to come. Sent once per month to 10,500 subscribers.

MCN Regional Update

Each of the six regional updates features news, events, and resources for nonprofit professionals located throughout Greater Minnesota. Sent once per month, per region (subscribers vary).