Valentine’s Day Twitterstorm to Support the Nonprofit Relief Fund

Join MCN and our advocacy partners as we host a Twitterstorm on 2/14 to urge legislators to prioritize nonprofit recovery this session with the Nonprofit Relief Fund. Your participation in the Twitterstorm grows momentum for our call to be heard by policymakers who are deciding our state’s budget. Our collective voice has power, join us to advocate for the critical needs of our sector!

What is a Twitterstorm? A Twitterstorm is a short period of time during which advocates join together to send a high volume of tweets on a specific topic.* The goal is to gain attention, demonstrate our collective power, and get our messages in front of decisions makers.

It’s easy to participate – on Monday, February 14, just between 11am and noon CST, tweet your support of the Nonprofit Relief Fund using our dedicated hashtag #Relief4Nonprofits and the prepared tweets and graphics below. You can also create your own tweets, just remember to include the hashtag #Relief4Nonprofits. The more you tweet, and retweet and like tweets using the hashtag, the more attention we gain. Participating is also a great way to gain new followers and connect with other nonprofits working on advocacy efforts.

In just one week, 50+ Minnesota nonprofits have already signed their support of the Nonprofit Relief Fund, and our efforts are only growing. Nonprofits have power, and our collective voices can influence state policy to create a more equitable state. Thank you for your support and advocacy for the Nonprofit Relief Fund!

Twitterstorm details:

What: Valentine’s Day Twitterstorm to support a MN Nonprofit Relief Fund!
When: Monday, February 14, 2022
Time: 11am – 12pm noon CST
Add to Outlook calendar
Official hashtag: #Relief4Nonprofits
Co-hosts: Minnesota Council of Nonprofits; Metropolitan Alliance of Connected Communities; Greater Twin Cities United Way; Minnesota Council on Foundations; United Ways of Minnesota; Social Venture Partners Minnesota; Minnesota Fringe; MORE; CodeSavy; The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation; Heartland Democracy; Propel Nonprofits; United Way of 1000 Lakes; Haven Housing; Washburn Center for Children; Minnesota Job Partners.

Let us know if your nonprofit is participating and we’ll list you as a co-host!
Co-hosting involves nothing but participating in the Twitterstorm, and we’ll tag you in our Twitterstorm promotion.

Sample Tweets to Copy/Paste:

  • Thank you Senator @CarlaNelsonMN for authoring the MN Nonprofit Relief Fund in #mnleg. This $200m provides critical grants to nonprofits across the state struggling to meet increased community demands during COVID-19. MN needs #Relief4Nonprofits.
  • This Valentine’s Day, we want nonprofits to have the resources needed to meet growing demands and strengthen our communities’ wellbeing. Nonprofits supported Minnesotans during COVID-19, now they need your support. Tell your legislators we need #Relief4Nonprofits in #mnleg!
  • We work in (State Senator) & (State Representative) districts. To continue providing the support our communities need during COVID-19 and to accelerate a more equitable recovery, MN needs #Relief4Nonprofits. Please support $200m for a MN Nonprofit Relief Fund in #mnleg. 

    (Find what district you work in & who represents you:

  • We’re spreading love for nonprofits on Valentine’s Day because they need our support. Nonprofits face continued COVID-19 impacts and demands for services is only increasing. #mnleg needs to show nonprofits the love by supporting $200m in #Relief4Nonprofits.
  • Did you know…nonprofits have been largely left out of state & federal COVID relief programs? @GovTimWalz & @LtGovFlanagan, Minnesota needs to invest $200m in #Relief4Nonprofits so they can continue to support communities to a more equitable recovery.
  • In the past 2 years, nonprofits have risen to the challenge, filling gaps & working to strengthen our communities, all while struggling with COVID-related staffing, volunteer & operational challenges. We need #Relief4Nonprofits, that’s why we support a MN Nonprofit Relief Fund.
  • All of MN benefits when nonprofits have the resources they need. They help us meet our full potential, from workforce development, childcare, housing, human services & more. We support a $200m MN Nonprofit Relief Fund because nonprofits help communities thrive. #Relief4Nonprofits
  • Nonprofits are key to economic expansion in Minnesota. The nonprofit sector employs 14% of MN’s workforce, strengthens community wellbeing, and stimulates economic activity through workforce, childcare, health & other community development. #Relief4Nonprofits benefits all of MN.
  • Did you know…44% of nonprofits are still seeing an increase in demand for services, but 47% can only operate for 12 months or less before financial distress, according to @SmartNonprofits’s fifth COVID report? This is not sustainable. MN needs #Relief4Nonprofits.

Sample Graphics:
(Click the image to view full size. Right click to save to your computer.) 

Nonprofit Relief Fund Twitterstorm Nonprofit Relief Fund Twitterstorm
 Nonprofit Relief Fund Twitterstorm  Nonprofit Relief Fund Twitterstorm
 Nonprofit Relief Fund Twitterstorm  


*Twitterstorm definition from Homes for All MN.