Why Donor Advised Funds Aren’t Really for Grantwriters (But Can Be…)

We’ve all heard about the fastest growing form of charitable giving: Donor Advised Funds (DAFs). If you are a fundraising professional chances are you can’t open up your inbox or the latest philanthropy magazine without reading about how DAFs have surpassed $110 billion in assets in 2017, or how six of the top ten largest charities in the United States are actually sponsors of DAFs, or tips and tricks for accessing “grants” from the elusive DAF accounts.

But how do grantwriters navigate the complicated, often frustrating, DAF landscape. More importantly, are they even worth the effort?

In her latest blog post for GrantAdvisor.org, Kari Aanestad, director of advancement for MCN, explores “Why Donor Advised Funds Aren’t Really for Grantwriters (But Can Be…)”:

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