Next in Nonprofits

1422 Juliet Avenue, Saint Paul MN 55105


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Company Description

Nonprofits need resources to do good work in their communities. Those resources come from first attracting attention from the right people, and then helping them move up the engagement ladder to investors and community champions.

Next in Nonprofits provides free initial consultations to help create custom scopes of work to meet your charity’s specific needs and opportunities. We provide ongoing support in development and communication (extending your capacity by being a regular partner in your work) and project-based services for limited scope engagements.

Services Provided


  • Social: Next in Nonprofits specializes in creating targeted engagement strategies and content calendars to attract social followers who can impact your mission and goals. We manage social media for many of our clients and are also available to train your staff.
  • Website: Your website is the center of all your communications activities. Smart content and strategy can help move a new visitor from casual reader to community supporter. We’re available to write and manage your content and provide outcomes reporting.
  • Email: Industry research shows email as a driver of deep engagement, including content sharing and contributions. Our team is available to help with content creation, list management, and outcomes reporting.


  • Social: Next in Nonprofits is a leader in new strategies to use the power of crowds to engage people in supporting your mission and give them easy ways to spread the word. Our expertise includes crowdfunding campaigns, giving-day strategies, and in-person and online events.
  • Individual : Traditional engagement strategies are still an important way to keep your donors involved in your mission work. We provide list growth and management as well as writing and design services for direct mail campaigns and year-end appeals.
  • Grants: The Next in Nonprofits team is adept at identifying the right funding opportunities at the right time. We provide support throughout your grant term: grant calendars, proposals, meetings with foundations and communities allies, and final grant reporting.


  • Budgeting: A good budget tells the story of how a charity’s impacts a mission by using resources. A great budget, including one that automatically creates program budgets, functional budgets, and management and general allocations, can inspire donor confidence and improve program outcomes.
  • Planning : Strategic planning should not happen in a vacuum. A literature review, stakeholder interviews, survey data and more can improve the work of how a nonprofit meets changing needs. Our team can help bring honest feedback by acting as an anonymized intermediary.
  • Evaluation: Scientifically perfect program evaluation is extremely hard in many nonprofit missions, but the perfect should never be the enemy of the good. New tactics in data collections, crowdsourcing, and research can help any nonprofit do a better job of understanding collaborative impact across organizations. This, in turn, can help bring new resources to the table to get the work done.

Fee Structure

No one wants to hear “it depends.” Our work is customized for every client, however, so there is not one set price for services. Next in Nonprofits has provided the framework of a development plan using an Metropolitan Regional Arts Council grant of just $1,750. We provide ongoing fund development strategy and implementation for charities from as little as $2,000/month and more (depending on the level of service required and available staff support from the nonprofit). We do limited scale engagements on building integrated donor databases and grants tracking systems. Most services can be scaled to fit budgets and needs identified by clients.