Berkley Select

Berkeley Select logo

550 W Jackson Blvd Ste 500, Chicago MN 60661

(312) 800-6242

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Company Description

Berkley Select delivers professional liability insurance solutions to individuals, businesses, professional services firms, and nonprofit organizations.

Berkley Select is staffed with a team of experts with a specific focus on Professional Liability. Berkley Select utilizes individual risk underwriting, loss control, and claims practices to provide superior products and services to its customers.

Berkley’s competitive advantage lies in its long-term strategy of decentralized operations. This structure provides each Berkley business the agility of a small business—the ability to identify and respond quickly and effectively to changing market conditions and local customer needs. It provides our Berkley businesses with the strength and resources of a Fortune 500 organization as well as the financial accountability and incentives to attract and retain the highest-caliber professionals.