SCG Nonprofits

PO Box 265, Marcell MN 56657


Primary contact

Company Description

Cyrus N. “Russ” White is a consultant, speaker, and facilitator. Russ works with the CEOs and board chairs of foundations and other nonprofit organizations in healthcare, education, the arts, and community services. He has extensive experience as a nonprofit CEO and private operating and community foundations trustee. In addition to his private client portfolio, Russ is a BoardSource® Certified Governance Consultant, Standards for Excellence® Licensed Consultant, and Nonprofit Lifecycles consultant. Russ was in the inaugural 2019 class of the Sociocracy Academy, discovering how sociocracy and dynamic community governance can enhance the performance capacity of nonprofit organizations. Emphasis on governance policies and processes, board development, and scenario planning.

Russ is an active member of the Governance Section of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), BoardSource, the Standards for Excellence Institute, and multiple state nonprofit associations.

For more information, please visit or Cyrus N. White on LinkedIn.

Services Provided

Board Development and Practice:

✓ Governance policy and practice
✓ Board roles and responsibilities
✓ Onboarding, orientation, and succession strategies
✓ Strategic visioning and scenario planning

Board Self-Assessments

CEO and Executive Director Performance Assessments

Fee Structure

All work priced on a project basis. To set a price, we’ll discuss the outcomes you want to see and agree on a set of specific deliverables.