FMW Nonprofit Solutions

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13033 Ridgedale Drive, #239, Minnetonka MN 55305


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Company Description

FMW Nonprofit Solutions is a nonprofit consulting firm full of mission-driven specialists dedicated to helping other nonprofit organizations reach their goals and grow their organizations’ impact. We offer a full range of services including nonprofit start-up assistance, fiscal agent/sponsor services and operational enhancement and improvement consulting.

Services Provided

Designed to meet the needs of nonprofits not yet tax-exempt and of small- to medium-sized 501(c)(3) organizations, FMW offers:

  • Fiscal Agency/Sponsorship: financial management services (bookkeeping, financial reports, and more), giving organizations to apply for grants and solicit donations prior to obtaining their own tax-exempt status.

  • Administrative Services: designed for small to medium-sized organizations, FMW offers services to enhance an organization’s operations, including assistance with maintaining corporate and solicitations status, Board operations, and organizational operations. FMW tailors these services to meet the unique needs of each organization with which it works

  • Grant Writing: providing tips and tricks to writing successful grants.