1000 LaSalle Avenue, SCH 317, MInneapolis MN 55403


Primary contact

Company Description

LegalCORPS, established in 2004, is Minnesota’s only statewide business law pro bono program. In response to an unmet need for transactional business law pro bono services, for over 17 years LegalCORPS has filled that gap, working with a roster of over 580 pro bono attorneys. To increase access to the justice system, our mission is to assist small businesses and nonprofits, especially those that strengthen Minnesota’s low-income communities, by providing individuals and organizations with business law services they could not otherwise afford.

Services Provided

We provide and work with partner organizations to deliver educational workshops, brief advice clinics, and full representation by pro bono attorneys to address business law needs. Areas of service include entity formation, vendor and service contracts, commercial leases, licensure, employment law, and other human resource needs, as well as intellectual property protection.

Fee Structure

Pro Bono attorneys are provided for nonprofits with cash budgets under $250,000. Workshops and brief advice clinics ar offered for free. Full representation mattters require a $50 payment with an application.