Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson, P.A.

901 Marquette Avenue South, Minneapolis MN 55402

(612) 333-3637

Primary contact

Company Description

We are a mid-sized firm that helps our clients make the big impact they need to succeed. We have been providing exceptional, client-focused legal representation since our founding in 1991. We are not flashy or loud. We don’t have a marketing department that puts out glossy or catchy materials. Think “walk softly and carry a big stick.”

Our lawyers are skilled and experienced trial lawyers. With trial experience comes wisdom that we share with clients to help them avoid the mistakes that lead to litigation. But if litigation is necessary, we are with our clients 100 percent.

We provide advice to dozens of nonprofits at any given time on a broad range of issues. We help nonprofits, large and small, maneuver the legal challenges they face so that they can run well and accomplish their mission. Our attorneys have helped nonprofits deal with legal issues that include employment and wage and hour laws, leases, contracts, land use regulations, regulatory compliance, and many other challenges.
We also offer leadership consulting for new nonprofit executives. With baby boomers retiring, there is a leadership transfer happening on a large scale. The new generation of leaders is passionate and talented, but may not have the experience of running an organization. It can be extremely helpful to have a resource to call on for sound advice. We are that resource.