Potential federal government shutdown

This page will be updated as negotiations continue. 

Updated October 3, 2023

(From National Council of Nonprofits) With only hours to spare, Congress passed, and President Biden signed, a 45-day spending bill that temporarily avoids a federal government shutdown by funding federal agencies and programs at current levels.

Yet serious policy differences remain. While immediate threats to food assistance, public health, and other programs have been postponed, Congress still must deal with the expiration of pandemic-era child care supports, student loan processing challenges, and additional funding for Ukraine.

Further, the numerous “culture war” provisions tacked onto House appropriations bills – dealing with abortion and equity issues – will remain as virulent in November as they were last week


Updated September 27, 2023

A federal shutdown will begin October 1, 2023 if Congress cannot enact 12 appropriations bills to fund the federal government through September 30, 2024, or pass a stopgap spending bill known as a “continuing resolution” (CR) to provide temporary funding for the federal government.


What’s the potential impact of a government shutdown?

“The reality is that real people will get hurt, causing lasting damage to communities and imposing extraordinary burdens on charitable organizations…Operationally, nonprofits recognize that a shuttered federal government will result in additional delays in reimbursements and renewals for government grants and contracts,” National Council of Nonprofits.
