Speaker Pelosi released the HEROES Act, a 1,815 bill that includes many Democratic priorities left out of previous bills and reversing positions on a few negotiated positions — this is the first public step in a long slog for passage.
Category: Advocacy & Public Policy
U.S. Department of Labor Guidance on Reimbursing Nonprofits and Unemployment Insurance
The U.S. Department of Labor issued guidance on April 27 on how states can implement this section of the CARES Act and it’s impact on nonprofits is not good.
U.S. Senate passes deal to replenish COVID-19 relief funding
The U.S. Senate passed legislation on Tuesday, April 21 to replenish funding for several coronavirus small-business relief programs.
Census 2020: operational timeline adjustments amid COVID-19
U.S. Census Bureau announced adjustments to their operational timeline amid COVID-19 pandemic.
How the COVID-19 economic stimulus bill would affect nonprofits
Congressional and Administration negotiators reached agreement on the Phase 3 COVID-19 economic stimulus bill early on March 25.
MCN opposes voter photo ID bill
MCN opposes voter photo ID bill and encourages nonprofit leaders to do the same before the bill is heard on Thursday, February 27, 2020.
MCN supports voter privacy bill
MCN is monitoring bill HF3068 — a bill that will help protect voter privacy in Minnesota’s upcoming presidential primary on March 3, 2020.
IRS Issues Guidance for Reclaiming Transportation UBIT Payments
The IRS has issued guidance that will help nonprofits quickly get back taxes paid on the now-repealed tax on nonprofit transportation benefits.
Tax on Nonprofit Employee Transportation Benefits Repealed
On Friday, December 20, 2020, H.R. 1865, a package of funding and tax provisions that includes the repeal of a tax on nonprofit employee transportation benefits, is expected to be signed into law.
Revisions to the state’s wage-and-hour laws enacted
The Minnesota legislature recently enacted sweeping revisions to the state’s wage-and-hour laws to combat “wage theft.”