Practical Leadership 2.0: Building Engaged Teams

Virtual - Live/Online

One of MCN's most popular trainings, this session helps team leaders develop shared leadership among team members and provides concrete tools for improving collaboration in their teams.

Learning to Use Your Voice

Virtual - Live/Online

Join us to gain insights into effectively utilizing your voice and communication platforms to advocate for those experiencing discrimination.

Beginner Grantseeking

Virtual - Live/Online

This training is specifically designed to help you gain important grantseeking competencies and skills related to researching, identifying, and matching funding resources to meet specific needs.

Beginning Grantwriting

Virtual - Live/Online

Join this hands-on, beginner-level session to take your grantwriting skills to the next level.

Grantwriters Incubator

Virtual - Live/Online

Looking for an opportunity to virtually connect with other grant professionals and “talk shop”? Join this free, lightly facilitated gathering of nonprofit grantwriters for a unique venue of interactive input and feedback from peers.