Leadership Conference

Horizontal red, orange, and teal banner for the 2024 Nonprofit Leadership Conference hosted on May 8, 2024 in Minneapolis, MN

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Engaged leadership has many expressions and when fully sparked can sensitively and effectively move people and organizations through transition, conflict, uncertainty, and growth. At the 2024 Nonprofit Leadership Conference, we aspire to reveal, study, and generate new, more equitable forms of engaged leadership that consider personal and global trauma, nonhierarchical approaches, generational differences, and external impacts — leadership that invigorates systems change in the sector by engaging people “at home” and beyond.

At this year’s gathering, we are particularly invested in bringing the theme of engaged leadership to life through content and conversation that elevates leadership pathways, executive leadership support, board engagement, volunteerism, and impact assessment.

Attendees will examine paths toward personal, organizational, and sector change through the multi-faceted lens of engaged leadership while building each other up as a community of interconnected nonprofit leaders across the career and generation spectrum. We will define ways to speak up for our missions and ourselves while centering the communities of which we are a part and whom we serve.

Attendees will include around 400 nonprofit leaders — emergent to middle to executive, philanthropy professionals, community and civic leaders, students, and Leadership Institute alumni from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs. If you attend the conference, you will be able to:

  • Find and share inspiration and guidance among peer experts for engaging with myriad areas of leadership
  • Have direct access to the latest leadership research (and researchers!) and discuss ways to incorporate academic findings into on-the-ground practice and strategy
  • Bolster foundational knowledge of nonprofit administration and operations as part of honing your advancement pathway and leadership capacity
  • Identify the inequities in leadership models and map ways to disrupt and dismantle them while imagining fresh alternatives

2024 Nonprofit Leadership Conference

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
McNamara Alumni Center
200 SE Oak St., Minneapolis

Registration is closed for this event. There is not a waitlist. If you have any questions, please contact info@minnesotanonprofits.org.

Sponsored by:

Maroon logo for the Humphrey School of Public Affairs
Orange and grey logo for SUCCESS Computer Consulting
Yellow logo for Doran Leadership Partners
Logo for Mutual of America
Logo for Projenance

Headshot of Kathy Sublett, Executive Director of Let’s Erase The Stigma

Invigorating Systems Change at Home and Beyond

Kathy Sublett, Executive Director, Let’s Erase The Stigma

What would a world where leaders feel supported to admit mistakes, address them, and then move forward be like? How would the nonprofit sector change if more people were given the financial resources, emotional support, and inclusive infrastructures and systems to lead from their lived experience within the communities they wish to serve?

MCN is thrilled to have Kathy Sublett as this year’s keynote speaker. Sublett founded the nonprofit Let’s Erase the Stigma, in Winona, Minnesota, which offers free programs and education focused on expungement, the sealing of criminal background records, personal finance fluency, rebuilding credit, and training in cultural humility.

Pecha Kucha graphic featuring two speech bubbles and the description of 20 images and 20 seconds

The Japanese word for chitchat is PechaKucha (ぺちゃくちゃ) is a storytelling format in which a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary each. As we gather for lunch we will be guided through four brief presentations, PechaKucha style, with a little help from super-emcee and Twin Cities drag personality Randy Dandy. Presenters will cover: 

  • Assessing and investing in your career satisfaction with Brigette Marty, associate director and career coach, Carlson School of Management
  • How to prioritize and identify hard to measure personal traits important in a workforce with Morgan Kennedy, chief marketing and growth officer, Atomic Data
  • Standing out on LinkedIn (even if you don’t care about LinkedIn) with Rachel Leatham, director of career and student success at the Humphrey School 
  • The lowdown on the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network—why they need you and you need them with Noah Polipnick, account executive, TransPerfect and YNPN treasurer 

After this sprint of information and some questions from the crowd for our experts, you and your table mates will dig into what resonated with you while you also dig into dessert. With any luck, Memorial Hall will be brimming with “collective effervescence!” 

Three light-haired puppies play together
Employee from Streetcorner Letterpress showing a guest how to use a manual press to create a custom postcard

Puppy Party!
Join puppies (and people) from Healing Hearts Rescue for some puppy playtime. Seriously. You just get to go and hang out with adorable puppies that will lick your face, nibble your toes, and get you to laugh with their overabundance of goofball energy. We’re leading with the heart with this cuddly wellness offering. 

Print Your Own Postcard with Streetcorner Letterpress
Try your hand at making something impactful with a 100-year-old letterpress. Choose from 3 designs that amplify this year’s conference theme of engaged leadership—leadership that invigorates systems change in nonprofits by engaging people “at home” and beyond. There will be pretty pictures, bright colors, and words that will inspire you to keep leading as your true self in partnership with others. Come and activate the right side of your brain and go home with a tactile keepsake.

Conference Planning Committee

  • Nicole DeBoer, Southwest Minnesota Arts Council
  • Rodrigo Escobar, HACER
  • Courtney Gerber, Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
  • Kate King, Feline Rescue and Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of the Twin Cities
  • Aleana Kruger, Trans Northland 
  • Aviva Meyerhoff, Northside Residents Redevelopment Council
  • Nonoko Sato, Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
  • Marcia Ratliff, Engage Winona
  • Jamie Schumacher, Local Initiatives Support Corporation – Twin Cities
  • Shahrin Upoma, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota