Talking to Legislators: Share Your Work

Empty Minnesota Capitol chamber with empty seats, the American and Minnesota state flags, and statues of prominent former Minnesota legislators.

Meeting with legislators can feel overwhelming and daunting. Remember, elected officials work for the people – aka you! It can take practice, but it is critical that decision-makers hear your voice and your communities’ voices.

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How to effectively meet with Legislators

Build confidence and get prepared to reach your nonprofit’s advocacy goals.

Yes, nonprofits can and should talk to Elected Officials

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What information should you share when meeting with Legislators?

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Navigating the Minnesota Capitol

Advice on how best to navigate the Capitol Complex. Note – parts of the complex are under construction during the 2025 session.

COMING SOON: Additional Resources to Support Legislator Meetings

  • Nonprofits in Minnesota 1-pager
  • MCN’s State Grantmaking Reform Proposals
  • Childcare Availability
  • Federal Program Cuts and the Impact on the State
  • Medicaid and SNAP
  • Sustaining a Successful Nonprofit / What Oversight Applies to a Nonprofit
  • Why Some Questions are Hard for Nonprofits to Answer
  • What to Ask Individual Nonprofits that Come to the Legislature for Funding
  • Talking Points on Nonprofit Accountability and Oversight